Ou os filhos daqueles que desceram dos céus e procriaram com as filhas dos homens? (assim diz a bíblia e as tabuinhas de cuneiforme onde pela primeira vez vem escrito todo o génesis e muito mais)
"I’ve just been informed that the third photo was made specifically for a Photoshop contest. It won third place. This is the site for the contest: Worth1000.com. They’ve got other weird Photoshoped photos there. Check them out."
3 Comentários:
"I’ve just been informed that the third photo was made specifically for a Photoshop contest. It won third place. This is the site for the contest: Worth1000.com. They’ve got other weird Photoshoped photos there. Check them out."
para quem se quiser rir um pouco mais... http://objectiveministries.org/creation/news.html#8-2-2004
12/8/08 06:02
oh filhote a minha intençao eh so provocar o panico... apetece me... pois nao tomo por verdade homens com dez metros...
mas aconselho outras pesquisas...
12/8/08 15:20
caralho! então um gajo já não pode dizer nada?!?!
13/8/08 15:21
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